Saturday, August 31, 2019


Case Study Introduction Canon is one of the most recognisable brands worldwide. It is a Japanese Multinational Enterprise (MNE), specialised on manufacturing of imaging and optical products, including printers, cameras and copiers. This paper will investigate on the degree of global expansion of Canon. It will focus on the problem statement on how Canon evolved from a Japanese company to a global player. First, this paper starts with Canon’s structure and their background. Furthermore, the paper elaborates on the motivations, means and mentalities of expanding and an analysis of the international context.Next to that,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Sama jouw stuk!. Finally, this paper will describe the social responsibility of Canon and will end with a conclusion. Background of Canon Canon focuses on three different groups: the Customer, the Office and the Industry and others. They are producing a lot of different products but the most important are for the Customer: cameras, camcorders, print ers, projectors, scanners and equipment. For the Office: laser/ large-format printers, multifunction devices, solutions software, cartidges. For Industry and others: lithograpy systems, card printers, radiography systems, vacuum equipment, components. Canon, 2011). Founded in 1933, Canon started as a small laboratory in Tokyo. At the time, all high-quality cameras were European with the majority coming from Germany. It was in this small room that young people with a big dream began to work on producing a high-quality Japanese camera, this was the start of Canon. In 1950, Canon's first president, Takeshi Mitarai, went to America for the first time to attend an international trade fair. He got a lot of inspiration and good ideas and started to build a new factory as modern as in the US. In 1955, Canon made its first step into the global market with the opening of a U.S. office in New York City. In 1970, Canon was doing really good but was hit by dollar and oil shocks. In 1976, Canon l aunched its Premier Company Plan, an ambitious strategy to transform Canon into an â€Å"excellent global company†. The plan proposed high ideals and pooled the strength of its employees, enabling the company to promptly recover. Then, in 1988, Canon introduced its corporate philosophy of kyosei, an unfamiliar term at the time. We will elaborate on this later in the report. In the 1990s, Canon carried debt of more than 840 billion yen and in 1996 the Excellent Global Corporation Plan was launched.Transforming the corporate mindset from partial to total optimization and from a focus on sales to a focus on profits, the new plan was the start of the innovations that characterize today's Canon. From 2001 to 2010 the number of employees almost doubled, this shows the huge growth of Canon in the last years. (Canon, 2011) Canon’s global expansion Canon satisfies both requirements for being a Multinational Enterprise according to Bartlett and Beamish (2011, p. 2), such as subs tantial direct investment in foreign countries and active management in foreign subsidiaries.Canon goes beyond the trading relationships of an import-export business in countries such as France and Australia. The headquarter in Japan plays however a crucial role in determining organizational culture and strategy. This can also be seen in the representation of the Board of Directors which consists exclusively of Japanese. (Canon, 2011). Canon’s mentality can be categorized as Global. The production of the mainly standardized products takes place to a large extend in Japan, but also in the US, Germany, France, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.These few plants are highly efficient, which provides economies of scale but also transparency of quality. When considering the products itself world is seen as one Due to the organizational structure the Japanese headquarter takes over the central coordination and control of the subsidiaries, their various product or business manage rs have worldwide responsibility. Furthermore R&D and manufacturing activities are managed from Japan. R&D subsidiaries are located in France, China, the Philippines and Australia but mainly Japan. Canon, 2011). Main motivations for Canon to expand their activities globally were mainly due to market-seeking behaviour and increasing scale economies. Especially in the technology sector where competition is increasing, R&D costs are rising and product life cycles are becoming shorter, so Canon was forced to expand if it wanted to gain first mover advantages. This is in line with the principle of global chess. (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011, p. 4). Canon operates in an international industry, where technological forces are central.As mentioned above the technology industry is fast moving, highly competitive and requires huge R&D investments. Therefore Canon need to follow the international strategy and focusses on its ability to exploit technological forces and leveraging international life cycles. Furthermore its business also contains some attributes of a global industry, such as highly centralized, scale-intensive manufacturing and R&D operations, which allows Canon to leverage through worldwide exports of standardized global goods. (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011, p. 123).Besides competitive positioning, global scanning and learning capability play a crucial role. This responsibility is usually taken over by the R&D departments. However Canon adjusts to local needs mainly in marketing activities. In order to reach the local market Canon focused on marketing activities. Headquarters for marketing activities are located in Japan, New York (USA), Florida (Central and South America, Caribbean) London and the Netherlands (Europe), Dubai (Middle East) and Singapore (South East Asia). Numerous local marketing offices are places in almost every country where products of Canon can be purchased. Canon, 2011). After having analysed Canon’s administrative heritage, clearly in line with the Japanese tradition, the EPG framework can be applied. On the first sight Canon seems to be mainly ethnocentric oriented. (Perlmutter, 1969). Performance criteria for products and managers are clearly formulated in Japan. Managers of the subsidiaries are Japanese, many of them are related. (Flannery, 2011). This also shows the cultural distance between Japan and the western business world. Further culture distances include differences in social norms, such as the principle of â€Å"saving face† and of course a language barrier.Many differences were embraced by Canon by expanding globally. An example of this is the implementation of a FengShui activity for employees in Europe. Furthermore Japanese do not expect foreigners to have comprehensive knowledge of the Japanese culture and tolerate mistakes. Overall Canon managed to overcome most of these obstacles without losing their Japanese identity. (Ghemawat, 2001). When considering marketing activities, Canon manag ed to capture and target all the different local market needs and appears to implement a world-wide approach and not just following home-country objectives.Part Sama!!!! Corporate Social Responsibility Initially international expansion was viewed as something very positive. It would not only help the richest nations, but also the poorer countries were able to benefit from globalization. However, in the last years of the 20th century contradicting views were arising. People saw a lot of drawbacks, globalization was seen as continued exploitation by MNEs. The growing gap between the rich and the poor was seen as an evidence of this exploitation. There was a need for a different approach and many people believed that MNEs could provide a solution.Because MNEs controlled the resources and power, they should play a larger role in the global development. (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011, p. 646) Canon is a perfect example of a company who is trying to be responsible and who wants to take care of the world. In 1988 Canon officially introduced its corporate philosophy of  kyosei. This means ‘living and working together for the common good’ (Canon, 2011). They want to achieve this in a community in which all people, regardless of language, culture or ethnicity, live together.Based on the concept of kyosei and with the idea of their â€Å"excellent global corporation† plan in mind, Canon tries to take the responsibility for the impact of its activities on society. (Canon, 2010) Besides that they also focus on CSR internally, a nice example is the change of offices in 2008. They implemented Feng-Shui in their European offices to remedy a real, modern problem: high levels of employee office stress and rage. In the end, a Zen Workplace was created by a US-based Feng Shui Master consultant. (Mainini, 2007) According to Bartlett and Beamish (2011, p. 49) there are four MNE responses to developing world needs. The first one is the exploitive MNE, this company o nly focuses on making profit and does not care about the community at all. The issue of sweatshops is common within these companies. The second response is one of a transactional MNE, today this is viewed as the minimum expectation of MNE’s behaviour. These companies do not pursue the bottom-line at all costs but respect laws and regulations. The third approach is the responsive MNE, they are making a difference. Canon can be categorized into this category.They really try to make a difference and not only for their own benefits. The question that could arise is if Canon should try to move to the fourth one, the transformative MNE? In this transformative approach companies are trying to lead the change, so take a initiative to set up projects. In our view this should not be the aim for Canon, they are already making a huge difference because of their commitment to society. A good example to show why they are still a responsive MNE is the investment of Canon after the recent Ja panese earthquake, their commitment was enormous but this was also due to their own damage.The most important reason for their action was their own recover. This is in line with Prahalad and Hammond (2002), companies can help the community profitably. On March 11, 2011 a great Japanese earthquake caused a lot of damage. This earthquake took place where Canon’s operations are based. Canon acted immediatley and supported the Red Cross Society with a financial donation but more important with portable digital radiography systems. This system has shown to be effective in contributing to medical activities in disaster areas.The earthquake caused damage to buildings and equipment of Canon, but most of all their supply chain was hitten. Canon realized the only way of minimizing the impact was a rapid recovery so they concentrated all of their resources and tried to provide customers still with a supply of their products. (Canon, 2011) Canon focuses on two different parts of the comm unity, the social and cultural support activities and environmental acitivities. This is still a really broad focus, because they want to be committed to everyone and everything.Their environmental view is the produce – use – recycle circle, in which they want to reduce their environmental impact in every stage. (Appendix, figure 1) Canon is also focused on the social and cultural support activities. Canon Global uses the philosophy of Kyosei to focus their CSR iniatives in a couple of categories. They are humanitarian aid and relief, art, culture and sports, education and science, local communities, social welfare and conservation of the environment. Due to cultural differences and needs, the implementation of projects varies between branches. Canon, 2010) Conclusion The aim of this paper was to investigate in the evolution of Canon from a Japense company to a global player. †¦. blabla Conclusion!!!!!!! * References Bartlett, C. A. & Beamish, P. W. (2011). Transn ational Management, Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Management. (6th ed. ) New York: McGraw-Hill. Canon. (2010). Social and Cultural support activities. Retrieved from: http://www. canon. com/scsa/index. html Canon. (2011). Canon support relief efforts following Japan quake. Retrieved from: http://www. canon. om/scsa/aid_relief/support/japan_quake/index. html Canon. (2011). Canon up to now. Retrieved from: http://www. canon. com/about/history/outline. html Canon. (2011). Products. Retrieved from: http://www. canon. com/products/ Canon. (2011). Sustainability report. Retrieved from: http://www. canon. com/environment/ Flannery, N. P. (2011). Japanese Business Culture and the Value of Good Governance. Retrieved from: http://foundersforum. gmiratings. com/2011/11/japanese-business-culture-and-the -value-of-good-governance. html Ghemawat, P. (2001).Distance Still Matters: The Hard Reality of Global Expansion. Transnational Management, Reading 1. 2. Mainini, S. F. (2007). Zen W orkplace, how to use Feng Shui to reduce office stress? Retrieved from: http://www. canon-europe. com/Images/Feng_Shui_report-v1_0_tcm13-612885. pdf Perlmutter, H. (1969). The Tortuous Evolution of the Multinational Corporation. Transnational Management, Reading 1. 1. Prahalad, C. K. & Hammond, A. (2002). Serving the World’s Poor, Profitably. Transnational Management, Reading 8. 2. Appendix Figure 1 Canon. (2011) Sustainibility report

Friday, August 30, 2019

Classroom Activity on Cultural Diversity Essay

Cultural diversity is the diverse culture having people of different races, cultures, religions, nationalities, ethnic groups and backgrounds making up a community. Cultural diversity is a term used to mean that a group or area contains people from many different cultures and backgrounds. These areas are considered diverse because everyone is unique and different.. The phrase cultural diversity can also refer to having different cultures respect each other’s differences. The phrase cultural diversity is also sometimes used to mean the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole. India is a land of diversity in race, region, caste, language, mate, landform, flora and fauna and so on. From ancient time till day India has repainted this diversity from very ancient time. Mature has shaped the country so. Rightly this land has been termed as â€Å"the epitome of the world. † In our country we will find people from different races. People in each race have their own culture. By culture we mean the characteristics of an individual society or of some subgroups within this society. It includes values, beliefs, notions, acceptable and non acceptable behaviour and other socially constructed ideas that members of the culture are taught as true. We will agree that culture has an impact on socialization process of students. Religion, food habits, festivals,clothing, arts,music etc. play an important role in shaping children during school years. The diversity or individual differences manifest in the works, views, discipline etc. Each element shapes the children through socialization within the families, school and in child’s environment. As a teacher we should know when the racial awareness begin in child. The foundation of self awareness is started around the age of 2-3 years. They learn about themselves, their physical differences, skin colour and begin to apply the skin colour. Around age 4, children learn to identify clearly the differences among people. At the age 5 or 6 years, they started asking questions about their physical differences and also begin to understand these differences. At the age of 7 or 8 years, the children understand that a person’s skin colour will not wash off, rather it will remain same as the person grows up. They learn to understand that how a person can become a member of several different groups like family, classroom, a culture etc. This is the time when the parents and teachers provide them accurate information about cultural diversity. A teacher can take the following activity in the classroom for making his children aware about our cultural diversity. Teacher may asked the students to write their names, nicknames and the names of their Grandmother with which they addressed her at home.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Literary Analysis of Schindler’s List Essay

The Holocaust was a colossal extermination of about six million Jews in Eastern Europe under the criminal hands of Nazis and SS troops during World War II. It started in 1933 and ended in 1945 when the war in Europe finally ended. The whole genocide was organized methodically Germany’s leader, Adolf Hitler. At first Jews are persecuted, then robbed of their citizenship, then moved into ghettos, and quickly into concentration camps. The evil plot developed and grew and what started out as hatred turned into a scheme of mass murder. Steven Spielberg uses color, shadows, and juxtaposition of scenes to display the inhumanity of the Nazi Germans and the hopelessness of the Jewish people during the Holocaust of World War II. Spielberg uses shadows to symbolize the archetype of good and evil in Oskar Schindler. The shadow on Schindler’s face is used to represent the evil and the selfishness in him. The shadow on Schindler’s face in the beginning is dark and prominent. T he dark shadow becomes less and less prevalent as Schindler’s point of view of the Jews begins to change. As the film goes on and Schindler’s emotions change Spielberg uses less shadow, and eventually ends up using none at all. Schindler begins to care about the well-being of the Jews. When Schindler gives his speech to the Jews before they all leave the camp, no shadow is seen on his face, displaying his true emotions and his complete empathy for the Jews. Spielberg uses shadows for Schindler as he makes the transformation from a selfish Nazi to the savior of hundreds of Jews. Spielberg’s use of color indicates hope in the film. In the beginning, the film’s color changes from all color to black and white, except for one candle. The switch to black and white gives the film a more realistic feel by relating to film from World War II. The color of the candles both at the beginning and at the end of the movie represent the loss and redemption of hope for the Jews. While the Germans are clearing out the slums where the Jews are being held, Schindler is seen looking at an apparently lost girl wearing a spot-lit red coat. The girl is confused about where to go and what to do. After seeing this girl Schindler begins to feel  the same, he’s confused about how the Germans can be so cruel to the Jews and he begins to wonder what he can do to help. The little girl pushes against the crowd, and Schindler, when he sees this, begins to do the same by pushing against the German attacks to help the Jews be free once again. Spielberg uses black-and-white and spot color to display the theme of hope throughout the film. Juxtaposition from scenes places a Nazi party, a Jewish wedding celebration, and a servant being brutally beaten parallel to each other to contrast the differences between them. In the first scene, a party is shown filled with many Nazi soldiers and officials. Schindler is seen at this extravagant party drinking, laughing, and kissing many women. He is happy and shows no kind of remorse for his action or any of the actions going on at the concentration camp. As Schindler’s scene closes, the camera goes to the Jewish barracks where a sec ret wedding is taking place. The barrack is filled with singing and happiness as the couple is united. This symbolizes the Jews’ choice to be happy even as the world around them is so harsh and brutal to them. The scene once again circulates to show Amon Goeth in the basement intimidating, yelling at, and eventually beating his Jewish servant Helen. The entirety of Goeth’s hate and wrath are taken out on Helen. Spielberg’s use of parallel editing helps display the effects of the Holocaust between three different groups of people at the same time. In the film Schindler’s List, Schindler stands up for the Jews by buying their freedom and shipping them to his own factory where they are treated well with good food, water, and the company of what family still remained. The Nazi party wanted the extinction of the Jews, so they made a valiant effort to do so. In 1933 approximately nine million Jews lived in the 21 countries of Europe. By 1945 two out of every three European Jews had been killed. The Holocaust was one of the darkest periods of history, filled with madness and murder, and Spielberg displays the effects of the Holocaust by using color, shadows, and juxtaposition in his film, Schindler’s List.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Evaluation of a workplace learning environment(school) Essay

Evaluation of a workplace learning environment(school) - Essay Example Given this acknowledgement of the importance of workplace learning, I proceed by investigating the utility of learning theories in identifying barriers to such learning. Workplace learning has been defined as â€Å"learning or training undertaken in the workplace, usually on the job, including on-the-job training under normal operational conditions, and onsite training, which is conducted away from the work process (e.g. in a training room† (Australian National Training Authority, online). It critical to undertake workplace learning since it accords the key competencies needed by the school to stay competitive. How is a workplace ideal for learning envisioned? Smith & Hayton (1999, p. 252) puts forth that the school’s openness to change is a critical factor in the progress of training and development. They have also stated that there are external and moderating variables that influence training levels. The interplay among these factors is the key determinant to the kind of training which shall be prioritized by the firm (Ridoutt et al., 2002, p. 14). Moreover, it has also been presented that smaller-sized schools were more involved in informal training compared to larger ones. There are several drivers that affect and push training within any school, as follows: Approaches: Having pointed out this distinction, it may be worthwhile for me to delve more lengthily on learning processes which may be more applicable to the work setting, including action learning, situated learning, and incidental learning. Action learning is defined as a systematic way through which learning transpires by application of theory or by doing. It is anchored on the assumption that learning necessitates action and that this in turn needs input from learning. Learning per se is the expected result of action learning, and it does not intend to focus on the resolution of a problem (Lewis & Williams, 1994, p. 12). Brown et al (1988)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Should Child Labor Be Permitted or Not in Third World Countries Essay

Should Child Labor Be Permitted or Not in Third World Countries - Essay Example Proponents of child labor have argued their case through the prism of economics. This group support child labor on the following grounds. First, some of them argue that child labor helps a family to earn extra income, as many jobs are low paying. This presents a complex situation in which governments find it difficult to enforce policies on education. Others have also argued that child labor in developing countries prepares the children to be responsible. They claim that since there are limited formal employment opportunities, it is good for the child to learn a means of survival. In some instances, such proponents of child labor also argue that traditionally, African families were polygamous and large. Parent and children tilled land together, planted together and reaped. Boys were supposed to herd animals as girls did domestic chores. In Asian countries, child labor may be seen in the form of working in rice plantations and other informal settings. Another emerging argument in mode rn times with respect to education is that the cost of living has risen, and some parents cannot afford education for their children. Rather than be idle, they argue that taking them to work offers the best solution for their unique challenges. Where the government has subsidized tuition fee in education, proponents of child labor argue that they still have to meet other expenses. They point out that it is still equally difficult to raise the boarding fee, money for uniform, shoes and other supplementary requirements and still put food on the table. Even so, the so-called benefits of child labor are just justifications. Child labor indeed has a bigger negative side. First, scholars have observed that child labor denies the child the right to grow up as any other child should (Das and Biswal, 2012). These scholars observe that child labor socializes the child with the adult population, as opposed to growing up with peers. This is harm to the child’s social development. Some scholars have also pointed out that child labor leads to exploitation of the child. They argue that employers underpay and exploit at their various places of work. In the end, many of them do not see the full benefit of their toil. In Asia, there have also been reports of children being exploited in sex tourism (Aziz and Iskandar, 2013). I would oppose child labor in all its form.

The importance of Labour education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

The importance of Labour education - Essay Example Over nine million workers left their unions in the United States of America between 1990 to this decade and six million workers did the same in the United Kingdom in the same year. Of course it is worse in Asia. With the exception of Japan, Asian countries don’t even have unions. Canada is way better in that respect but still not ideal. Many of the manufacturing jobs have been shipped to Asian countries because in Asian countries, labour is cheap and there are no unions that will fight for their right. As jobs were declining, union membership did too. As jobs were declining, the reputation of unions to fight for the right of workers declined too. Add to this are government policies like high interest rates. From there, the government and the economy changed direction to pursue new ventures including deregulation of certain industries and other policy changes. This changed the way businesses were operating and it changed their labour requirement. It was also the year when globalization started crawling the streets of Canada. It was good and it showed in the performance of our market. The working class started realizing that the internet, telecommunication development, and development of new products for information and communication can provide them the same possibilities afforded only to the rich. The working class is able to tap on foreign economies and to the upper class who understood what was going on, it was probably scary. The working class was becoming aware that it was possible for them to do better and get a better share of the economy. It paid off because for 30 years, Canada experienced growth and more importantly, working class empowerment, hope and belief. The problem was that businesses started demanding for workers whose skills can serve their new international operation. They needed to specializations and long-time union members didn’t have them. That was the most sparking proof that workers cannot aff ord to hope that for the next thirty years, they will have a job at their company. Their skill might easily be rendered redundant when new machines are bought that can do what they do, only better. They don’t get sick and they don’t demand for a wage increase. Where is Labour Education Now We are at doorstep of incredible communication technology growth. I know that some will say we are already in the middle of it but if you look at history, we are barely on its feet. The internet and all the technology that comes with it is barely thirty years old. That is a young industry by any account. And with its growth comes influences that are changing the face and trend of the economy and labour requirements. The large companies continue to dominate the economy and politics. It has been frustrating to the working class. A quick glance at Canada’s GDP and it will be clear that that the labour share is low, a quick glance at the employment rate and you know that we have a problem. Bluntly, the statistics show that the working class is taking less than they should. Through all these, it is the working class that’s making the sacrifices. Unions are being asked to adapt, change, become flexible. Adapting and changing means stepping back a couple of times to allow the big companies the space they want for themselves. Adapt meant making your dreams smaller and pulling your expectations lower while the owners

Monday, August 26, 2019

Civil War Amendments to the Constitution Research Proposal

Civil War Amendments to the Constitution - Research Proposal Example This feat is hardly attained by many constitutions across the globe. This paper expounds on the Civil War Amendments to the constitution. According to Bond (1997: 14), Civil War Amendments were made to address the welfare of African Americans in the United States. In particular, the amendments addressed the civil rights of African Americans and they marked the first attempts to accord equal rights to all American citizens, irrespective of their color, race and political affiliations. The Civil War Amendments to the constitutions are contained in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments (Bond, 1997:35). The Thirteenth amendment that was ratified shortly after the Confederates surrendered in Virginia legally abolished slavery, which had been practiced in the country for long periods, and it was one of the major points of contention in the civil war. According to, Hoemann (1987: 37) the Thirteenth Amendment was the culmination of the Emancipation Proclamation that had earlier been drafted to bequeath African Americans the freedom from enslavement. It was approved in the Congress on January 31 in 1865 and it was ratified eight months later in December 6 of the same year. This amendment consists of two sections (Maltz, 1990,:45).

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

Discussion - Assignment Example Before his death, Steve had raised the level of Apple Company to become a multinational company. Currently, Apple Inc has expanded from computers to consumer electronics in a period of thirty years. Some of the product that is in the market from the company includes pro line laptops, consumer line laptops, iPod, iphone etc. The company also employs thousands of young, innovative people who come up with new ideas to fill any gap that is identified in the market (O’Grady, 2009). Some of vision by Steve jobs can be used by other companies to increase their level of profitability. One of the visions is making the company customer and employees oriented. This would increase customer loyalty towards the products while at the same time increase working morale for the employees. Second vision is to give back to the society. Social corporate responsibility would help in creating a positive image for the company as it did for Apple Inc. This would help the company attract more customers towards purchasing its products. Teamwork is another vision that a company should enumerate from Steve Jobs. Despite holding a high position in the company, Steve Jobs always related with his subordinates an aspect that created teamwork in the company. His vision was to ensure that Apple Inc remains united and employees work as a team irrespective of their level in the company. This would help in creating harmony in the company an aspect that could be replicated in the overall perfo rmance of the company (O’Grady,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Domestic Terrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Domestic Terrorism - Research Paper Example According to FBI, between the year 1980 and 2000, 250 out of a total of 335 terrorist acts were regarded as domestic terrorism as they are executed by the citizens of the United States. The motives behind these attacks are mostly different and they are executed by different organizations for different purposes. Domestic terrorism is conducted through different activities such as; shooting, assaulting, assassination, bombing or other means of destruction. A number of incidents related to domestic terrorism were on the rise in 1980s and according to FBI, most of these terrorist attacks were carried out by left-wing terrorist organizations. In the later part of 1980s, the threats from left-wing organizations receded therefore the incidents of domestic terrorism declined in the 1990s as compared to the incidences that took place in 1980s. However, the right-wing organizations started to gain momentum in 1990s and a number of domestic terrorism incidents took place in the name of antigove rnment movements. In the late 1990s, a rise in the activities of organizations endorsing animal rights and the environmental extremists was observed. To the surprise of the regulatory authorities, in the year 1999 8 out of the 12 terrorist incidents that occurred in the United States were attributed to the organizations endorsing animal rights or environmental extremists. One of such incidents included fire-bombing of an outlet of a clothing line. These extremists also took part in anti-corporate and anti-global activities. In order to create obstacles in the process of corporate deals and other activities, such groups also orchestrated destruction of property in order to hinder the corporate meetings.... In the year 1999, the group caused the burning of a ski resort in Vail, Colorado. The group caused some other property destructions in the later years such as; burning of Legend Ridge mansion, burning of numerous SUVs, and destruction of a 206-unit condominium in San Diego. In 2007, the group caused the destruction of four multi-million dollar homes through explosives, and in the most recent case, burning of an excavator. Due to these significant terrorist activities, this group is posing a threat to the government, therefore, the law enforcement authorities are taking active measures to avoid any future terrorist attacks by this group. From the analysis of the domestic terrorism in the United States, it can be inferred that the US has witnessed significant damage due to the domestic terrorist activities than the damage faced by international terrorism. Domestic terrorism has been prevailing in the United States for decades. The intensity of terrorist activities was different in diff erent eras. There are numerous groups or organizations that are actively involved in the domestic terrorist activities in the United States and there have been a number of notable domestic terrorist activities in the past few decades. The government should allocate more resources in order to enhance the measures being taken against the domestic terrorism and the authorities that form new laws should take the opinion of the opposing groups into account as well in order to reduce the domestic terrorist activities in the United States.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Brand management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Brand management - Essay Example At the present, the handheld market does not even have one of the main competitors, Microsoft, as anything more than a blip on the radar (Dalrymple, 2010). Prior to the release of the IPhone and IPod Touch, the market share had the DS beating out the Playstation Portable by several times the number of units sold (Wilson, 2007). More recently, the score has shifted thusly: The DS has 40 million units worldwide and the PSP 25 million (Wilson, 2007). The IPhone hasn't broken extensively out of the European and American markets, while the DS has the advantage of being found all over the globe (Stang et al, 2007; Wilcox, 2009). The iPhone has been basically marketed exclusively at the US, instead of emerging market like Russia and India, despite Apple's ballyhoo: â€Å"Emerging markets and Apple's flawed strategy in India and Russia top my reasons for questioning how high the platform will ascend before falling back to earth...The 70+ countries is something that looks good on paper, but in terms of volume it doesn't address the regional dynamics. One of the reasons why Nokia and Samsung are so good in developing markets is because they have mastered the art of effective manufacturing and distribution. They can make devices/services that suit the market† (Wilcox, 2009). Thus, though hard global data is difficult to find, it's clear that the global distribution is more like 2008 than 2010 above, with the IPhone being the third player. The takeaway story from the handheld market is this: Nintendo leads the most lucrative market by anywhere from close to a two-to-one to a three-to-one ratio against its competitors. Apple is moving up, but will likely not overtake the behemoth. Apple took 9% of its near market share from the PSP and 5% from the DS, meaning that the fight can be more meaningfully described as a battle for second place. Sony is also announcing a new second-generation PSP (Brown, 2011). The new Nintendo 3DS has many titles in the Japanese top ten, sh owing good penetration (Jenkins, 2011). This seems to suggest that Apple will have a brutal fight for second place, dealing with a new PSP challenger, while neither will be able to challenge Nintendo's entrenched advantage stemming from being the only handheld challenger to stay in the game from the Game Boy to the GBA to the SP to the DS. Also note that, in the handheld market, it is proper to include any other cell phone, which typically have games like Bejeweled or Tetris available for them, with the cell-phone gaming industry being an oft-ignored but serious source of gaming hours. In any respect, it is important when analyzing the success of the major three consoles to bear some lessons in mind: 1. Nintendo's success with the Wii is complimented as a â€Å"one-two punch† with the DS (Wilson, 2007). The DS has sold more than the three non-portable consoles combined. 2. Sony is being beaten by a large margin in the handheld market. Even if they were to do substantially bet ter near the end of this generation's life in their Playstation 3 offerings, such as with the announcement of the Move, they would still be behind in a major arena. 3. Microsoft is not even a competitor in the handheld m

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Road to Disappearance Essay Example for Free

The Road to Disappearance Essay The Road to Disappearance: A history of the Creek Indians was written by Angie Debo, a native of Oklahoma. She had curiosity of the life and history of the â€Å"creek Indians’ which is also known as the ‘Muskigees’. These people are later on named as ‘Creek Indians’ because they thrive on the Creek areas or besides rivers and canals. This book was written in 1941, a part of many books about Creek Indians that was written by the author as she was teaching history in the University of Oklahoma. Basically, the book gives the reader the story of the ‘Creek history’. It covers the years from 1725 up until 1906. It tackles the experiences of the Creeks as a nation and their interaction and relationship with the Washington government as well as with the states that they occupy namely, Alabama, Georgia and Kansas. Throughout the book, the author kept on presenting data and facts that serves as evidence of her arguments regarding the fast paced obliteration of the ‘Creek Nation’. She also cited accounts of the attempts and struggles made by the Creeks as the State and Federal government draft laws that somehow keep these people marginalized and controlled. The first chapters in the book cover the discussion of the Creek Nation’s history, which, as Debo pronounced was ‘lost in legend’. There are those which talks about coming from the ‘huge mountains†¦a migration toward sunrise†¦ the crossing of a great and muddy river and the occupation and conquest of their eastern home’. These chapters also talks about the Creeks relation with other Indians and some of their customs, beliefs and practices. The third chapter offers the beginning of the destruction of the ‘Nation’ that was followed by conquers and the war with these conquerors. Chapter VI shows that after devastation, the ‘Creeks forms a nation again’, nonetheless the proceeding chapters shows and discuss rivalries and conflicts inside the ‘Nation’ itself. In chapter IX there was a moment of peace, nonetheless it does not stand for long as what Debo believes to be happening right now is the ending of the tribe. The book was well written and provides a good overview of the history of Indian Americans in general and Creek Nation in particular. It helps the readers understand what was the life that these people has to endure and the history that they have along with their distinct culture, beliefs and traditions that were slowly being eroded by modernization and ethno racism. The book was obviously in favor and in support of helping the Creek Indians get the rights, respect and recognition that they properly deserved. The author has successfully point out the different period in history that the Creeks have been oppressed and how the government policies are hurting and demeaning the Indian population. The author has successfully laid the foundation and evidence that will make the reader question the legitimacy of the laws and policies that the government has made in the past and today. It somehow expands the horizon of what I know about American Indians. Moreover it helps me understand their situation. The author made me feel how wrongly the Creek Indians are treated. Along with illustrations, the book successfully captures sympathy and understanding from its readers. This I think is the main purpose of the book aside from being informative. There are a lot of things that I have learned from the book aside from the different Indian tribes and the way they live. I also found about how they are treated and what their history in connection to my own is. Understanding the difference between us (the Creek Indians and me) and the fact that we are living in the same country, give me a higher regards and respect for their abilities and their being the real owners of the lands in which we (Americans) thrive. To further understand the book and to find the topics more easily, there an index at the end that can make reading easier especially when looking back and looking for terms in relation to other topics in the book. The book also contains maps aside from illustrations. These maps are important to help the reader’s picture in their mind the length and area that the Creek’s covers. There is also a page that contains other works created by Angie Debo which are also related to the ‘Creek Indians’. I definitely recommend this book for people who would like to know about the Creek’s life. It is thorough and it refers to the problems of the Creek in a straightforward manner. Although it is somehow bias, it delivers a good stance in regards to the life and the rights of the Creek people. The readers would enjoy the way the book is written eventhough it talks about history. The author has the ability to look at the subject matter in an inclusive perspective, such that the reader will feel as though they are pat of the history that they are reading. This is a must read for enthusiast and non enthusiast alike and I recommend it for a deeper understanding of the culture and the people that once been the sole owners and cultivators of the American land. Work Cited: Debo, A. The Road to Disappearance: A History of the Creek Indians. Norman. 1941, 1967.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free

Statement of Purpose Essay I samsher rana, completed Higher Secondary Education in 2012 from Kathmandu Model College which is situated at Baghbazar, Kathmandu, Nepal in management with first division marks and grade 10 from Kantipur English High School with distinction marks. I have scored 6.5 in IELTS which is a proof of my English language proficiency. After completing my higher secondary level education I plan to continue my education by pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. I would like to complete my further studies in New Zealand at Concordia Institute Of Business which will help me to learn how to built or do business in better matters. It has developed a reputation for being friendly, caring, and welcoming, and has a multi-cultural staff with wide experience in education for international students. As a business students I will get chance to learn how to lead a group or team to deliver selected objectives in a productive way. Moreover the college programs are delivered by experienced, qualified teaching staff through lectures, tutorials, and practical assignments which maintains a high standard of education. . see more:statement of purpose for canadian embassy Only after the extensive research I have decided to choose this college for my further studies. I took help from my relatives and friends to know more about this college and also from this college’s website and got lots of information about it. After the close study I decided to complete my higher studies from this college as I came to know that this college staff’s are very supportive and friendly. It prioritizes academic achievement but still helps students to get part-time jobs. New Zealand has an international reputation as a provider of quality education. It has a progressive education system. It offers a safe learning environment with excellent study opportunities and support services for international students. I decided to study in New Zealand rather than Nepal because students intending to study in New Zealand can be assured of achieving qualifications that are at a standard comparable to qualifications achieved in leading educational institutions in other parts of the world. Therefore my family also insisted me to go New Zealand for receiving further studies. Moreover New Zealand is also renowned for its natural beauty and its adventure activities. Therefore if I get chance to complete my further education in New Zealand then I will be pleased to do so.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Post Colonial Society: Hamza Alvi

Post Colonial Society: Hamza Alvi In his influential article on the state in post colonial society, Hamza Alvi argues that the original base of the post colonial state apparatus lies in the class forces existing in the colonial era Metropole. The task colonial state apparatus was to subordinate all the indigenous classes (indigenous bourgeois, the Metropolitan neo-colonist bourgeoisie and the landed masses) in the colony. It did not rest on any of these classes. On the contrary, the colonial power established highly developed military and bureaucracy to control these classes, thus the state apparatus was overdeveloped. He further argues that if a colony has a weak and underdeveloped indigenous bourgeoisie, it will be unable at the moment of independence to subordinate the relatively highly developed colonial state apparatus through which the metropolitan power had exercised dominion over it. As an alternative, a new convergence of interests of three competing propertied classes will emerge. Under these circumstances, the bureaucratic-military oligarchy, that has a distinct relative autonomy, would play a role of mediator among these classes and will take a top position in the hierarchy of post colonial state. As a result, the state apparatus acquires relatively autonomous role and is not simply the instrument of any of these classes. Conversely, the demands and interests persist no longer contradictory. Since, this idea was proposed by keeping in mind the political dynamics of post colonial societies of Pakistan and Bangladesh, therefore, my contention is to draw arguments in light of political and social changes in these societies. To draw the role of bureaucracy and military in the colonial era, I will rely on Hamza Alvis accounts and lectures of Dr, Yaqoob K. Bangash. Bureaucracy and Military during Colonial era Hamza Alvi mentions that in colonial India the colonial power established the powerful institutions of bureaucracy and military to subordinate other three bourgeois classes. Therefore, the state structure of India was overdeveloped. This rhetoric is somehow correct in regard of bureaucracy, as it was the main source of policy making and issue resolution. The reason behind the supremacy of bureaucracy was that the colonial apparatus ensured the priority role of bureaucracy in solving the day to day issues of the masses- therefore, the masses accepted their authority. The other possible reason could be the psychological one as the politicians used to blame the bureaucrats in front of public to hide their own failures- so, the masses accepted the quality power of the bureaucracy. He assigns with military the same role in colonial state apparatus as he assigns with bureaucracy. However, the modern researches show that the military, in first half of the 20th century, was not as powerful as portrayed by Alvi. In-fact, the military had no role in decision making as most of the policies were articulated by either parliament or bureaucracy. Moreover, the masses did not know the dominance of military in the state apparatus. Besides, with the beginning of the 20th century the numbers of military personnels in the Indian colonial army were dramatically reduced. Therefore, it is plausible to say that the Hamza Alvi miscalculated the role of military in colonial state apparatus. Therefore, it can be assumed that if the state apparatus was overdeveloped than it would have been partially overdeveloped. In the next section, I will investigate, is there was continuity in the role of the bureaucracy? If not, then under which circumstances the military and bureaucracy took control of the state apparatus? To answer these questions I will draw a chronology of events in post colonial Pakistan with the help of Hamza Alvis and Dr. Ejaz Hussains accounts. Bureaucratic-military oligarchy and Pakistan Muslim League, as being the vanguard of the movement for national independence, inherited the mantle of legitimacy. The Muslim League initially provided the faà §ade of parliamentary government. However, Muslim League leaned heavily on the stature and authority of its leader, Quaid-e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who died soon after independence. Soon, it lost its bases and started to disintegrate dramatically. As a result, the powerful inherited bureaucracy took a central position. Even during his lifetime Jinnah preferred bureaucratic machinery over electoral politics as he might have thought that a well trained civil bureaucracy would solve Pakistans various problems, such as the settlement of refugees etc. (Hussain 2010, 280). The inherited military that was not fully developed at that time, adopted a strategic partnership with the bureaucracy to accomplish socioeconomic interests (Hussain 2010). Hamza Alvi calls this collaboration bureaucratic-military oligarchy. Bureaucratic-military oligarchy manipulated and installed and barred the politicians and political parties. In 1958, the prospects of the approaching general elections posed a challenge to the supremacy of the bureaucratic-military oligarchy, therefore, it seized power by abolishing the institutions of parliamentary government. Its noteworthy that the constitution was abrogated by ex military man-turned bureaucrat-turned politician Iskandar Mirza. And Later, Commander in Chief Ayub Khan assumed power. But, at this juncture the bureaucratic-military oligarchy employed politicians to extract legitimacy from the masses and in the 1962 spoof democratic politics under Ayub Khans system of Basic Democracy was introduced. Ayub Khan resigned in 1969 but left the reins of power securely in the hands of the bureaucratic-military oligarchy. President Yahya Khan promised restoration of constitutional government and an election was held in December 1970 which ended in the political crisis which culminated in the secession of Bangladesh. Assessments The cross examining of colonial and post colonial state apparatus of Pakistan, depicts that it was a failure of politicians and political parties rather than the weakness of three exploiting bourgeoisie classes to avoid the supremacy of bureaucracy and military. It is also apparent that there was not continuity in the bureaucracys principal role in post colonial state apparatus. Ironically, the political leadership itself invited the bureaucracy to adopt the role of the principal actor. Hence, it can be concluded that the Hamza Alvis overdeveloped thesis is null and void on the basis of two arguments. First, he miscalculated the role of the military in the colonial era that makes the basis of his theory ambiguous. Second, despite his emphasis there was no continuity in the key role of bureaucracy and military in a post colonial state apparatus that makes his thesis illogical. Overview Of Personality Humanist Theorist: Carl Rogers Overview Of Personality Humanist Theorist: Carl Rogers Carl Rogers (1902-1987) humanist theorist is best remembered for his nondirective method of therapy. His approach was based on a client-centered form of clinical work. He believed that a humans basic foundation was that of good and positive features. Rogers theory suggests that people aspire to achieve their fullest potential if unhindered. A trained therapist should only be involved with an individual that is willing to participate in the therapeutic process. This paper will review the theories that Rogers favored and how his research impacted the field of psychology. Rogers was born into a conservative family in a Chicago suburb. His early studies included agricultural, seminary and social philosophy. While pursuing his seminary studies he also took psychology courses at a nearby affiliated school. As his studies progressed he became frustrated with religion and more captivated with psychology. With the influence of psychology instructors he chose to transfer to the affiliated school to pursue his doctorate in clinical psychology where he first encountered Freudian thinking. Like Freud, Rogers became a clinician. However, his strategies in therapy were far different. In the early years of Rogers clinical and laboratory work he was frustrated with the then established forms of psychotherapy. Kirschenbaum (2004) noted that Rogers was impressed at how strong the human will is and how patients will resist even the most skillful therapist interventions when it goes against their purposes or they have not chosen to change themselves. Rogers had become acquainted with relationship therapy from students of Otto Rank, whose focus was on the patients self-insight and self-acceptance within the therapeutic relationship (Kirschenbaum). In 1939, Rogers published his first book, The Clinical Treatment of the Problem Child. This publication launched his career and gave him the opportunity to start communicating his own views on counseling and psychotherapy. Now students of Rogers were asking what his views on counseling and psychotherapy were. By 1942 Rogers published those views in his second book, Counseling and Psychotherapy: Newer Concepts in Practice. But Rogers pià ¨ce de rà ©sistance was the publishing the work that defined his place in psychological therapeutic theory, Client-Centered Therapy: Its Current Practice, Implications, and Theory, in 1951. Rogers received many awards throughout his life. He was the president for the American Association for Applied Psychology (1944-1945), of the American Psychological Association (APA) (1946-1947), and of the APAs Division of Clinical and Abnormal Psychology (1949-1950); and he was the first president of the newly formed American Academy of Psychotherapists (1956). He remained active in his work until his death in 1987. It was poignant to note that on the day of his death, February 4, 1987, a letter arrived to inform Rogers that he had been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Improving the strategies of psychotherapy was very important to Rogers. As a therapist he worked very hard to comprehend concepts available to him. As he began his practice he looked to improve the client-centered process, thereby lending to the development of the client-centered approach, also called person-centered psychotherapy. Rogers association with Sigmund Freud was short-lived and his similarity lies in their primary focus was clinical work. B. F. Skinner and Rogers agreed that they wanted to see approximately the same type of person in the future (Hergenhahn and Olson, 2007, p. 455) but Skinner argued that their differences were in the methods they were choosing to arrive at that future-behaviorism versus humanism. In addition, Rogers and George Kelly alike believed that humans sought, and were capable of, better personal . . . conditions (p. 408). There were several events in Rogers early studies and career that affected the development of his nondirective method of therapy. One of the earliest was that of watching his children grow up. Hergenhan and Olson (2007) discussed an early scrutiny of Rogers saying observing his children grow up taught him far more about individuals, their development, and their relationships than [he] could ever have learned professionally (p. 440). In pursuit of his PhD. Rogers learned that the psychoanalytic approach was often unproductive. The one event, however, according to Kirschenbaum (2004), that seemed to influence his historically noteworthy psychotherapeutic discovery happened while trying to help a mother find a solution to her delinquent sons behavior. Rogers theory that this mothers rejection of her son was the cause of his delinquency was met with no resolution. At the time that they agreed that they had both tried and failed, she queried Rogers about whether he took adults for counsel ing as well as youths. When he responded with assent, she asked for help for herself. It was this experience that Rogers realized that it was the client that knew the direction in which therapy should take. Kirschenbaum quotes Rogers saying that it began to occur to me that unless I had a need to demonstrate my own cleverness and learning, I would do better to rely on the client for the direction of movement in the [therapeutic] process. Additionally, it was at this point in Rogers theoretical progression that he encountered Alfred Adler from which he learned that a therapist could learn more by determining how the patient relates to the here and now (Hergenhan and Olson, 2007, p. 441), rather than focusing the patients history. Boeree (2006) commented on Rogers theories of fulfillment and satisfaction of the needs of all living organisms, even that of plant life-that it is in the nature of all life to expend effort to reach a definitive potential. He further stated that People . . . in the course of actualizing their potentials, created society and culture.   In and of itself, thats not a problem . . . But when we created culture, it developed a life of its own. Confessing that culture is not in itself evil, Boeree noted that culture for the most part has helped humankind survive and prosper, but at the same time it may have caused to hinder a persons self-fulfillment. Alfred Adlers concept of striving for superiority was a forerunner of Rogers suggestion of the incongruent self. Rogers believed that people, even infants, when given the chance, will choose what is best for them (Hergenhahn and Olson, 2007, p. 443). This is related to Rogers method of Organismic Valuing Process. He believed that experience was the authority on the developing personality. Rogers was noted as saying that Neither the Bible nor the prophets-neither Freud nor research-neither the revelations of God nor man-can take precedence over my own experience (p. 444). Rogers optimistic view of the human personality development fostered his belief that humans strive to positively enhance their own experience. He believed that experience took authority over all else, hence he pardoned persons that acted negatively attributing it to fear and defensiveness. Negative behavior was not in accordance with nature. Rogers believed that even those who acted out of fear and defensiveness had strong positive tendencies at deep levels which needed to be discovered. According to Hergenhahn and Olsen, the positive tendency Rogers was speaking of was the actualizing tendency (p.443). According to Rogers, actualizing tendency is the driving force as opposed to Freuds instincts as the driving force behind personality. Using actualizing tendency, humans evaluate their experiences with the organismic valuing process. This process, Rogers believed was within each human. It is sanctioned by a persons own senses. Other in the environment can devalue and even reject an individuals personal valuing process. When that occurs, many adopt other values to please external sources and the self-actualization goal is stunted. Cooper (2003) suggests this leaves the individual adapting to ideas and values conceived by others and thereby torn between what should be a fluid and malleable process, maximizing their ultimate development, and the rigid concepts of others. This can be particularly precarious because as Pescitelli (1996) suggests a person that is self-accepting is more accepting of others. That being the case, the individual may be overly influenced by the ideas of others, corrupting their personal fulfillment. Further, Cooper indicated that with Rogers and other humanistic psychologists the resolution came with reconnecting with the individual experience process. This process could be accomplished with Rogers nondirective, client-centered therapy that uses empathy, unconditional positive regard and congruence (p. 96). In Rogers phenomenological reality, Hergenhahn and Olson (2007) noted that the subjective world determines the behavior of people. When the environment interrupts the positive developmental process that takes place naturally, the individual misses experiences that enhance the self-concept that is positively valued and prepares for the emergence of the self. When an event or experience enters a persons awareness it becomes symbolized according to Rogers (p.444). Pescitelli (1996) commented on the value of an individual realizing their fullest potential and agreed that there needed to be an internal agreement within the individual and that the human capacity for awareness and the ability to symbolize gives us enormous power . . . but he also advised that care be taken, because if the self-awareness is distorted, then the growth may be unstable. Critical to Rogers person-centered approach to therapy is the clients receiving love, care, respect and acceptance from persons that are important the individuals life is the need for positive regard. People want to feel appreciated by the people that are most important to them. In the work of Rogers (1979), he stated that each individual has within him or herself vast resources for self-understanding, for altering the self-concept, basic attitudes, and his or her self-directed behavior. . . and that three conditions needed to exist to foster a growth-promoting climate in any situation which development of the person is the goal, (1) congruence, (2) unconditional positive regard, and (3) empathetic understanding. Incongruency occurs when people stop using their organismic valuing process. When people lose their sense of value, they begin to lean on society to make choices for them. This is when society begins to determine value over what their internal value system should tell them. Their frame of reference belongs to someone else. This is the first condition that Rogerss suggested was important between the therapist and the client-congruence. A genuineness and realness is imperative on the part of the therapist for the client to excel in their growth potential. Secondly, the unconditional positive regard was the means in which the therapist demonstrates acceptance of the clients climate at that moment. Moments change, attitudes change and the therapist needs to show nonpossessive [sic] caring (Rogers, 1979) for the client to flourish. Rogers believed that unconditional positive regard was an essential ingredient of psychotherapy (Hergenhahn and Olson, 2007, p 450). Thirdly, the precursor of the qualified therapist is achievement of empathetic understanding. It is vital that the therapist be so attuned to the client that they can clarify not only the meanings of which the client is aware but even those just below the level of awareness. According to Rogers, thi s was the ability to listen with real understanding, true empathy (1979). One noteworthy event that Rogers participated in was a video recording of an interview with a client, Gloria. This video recording was one of a three part film series comparing three forms of psychotherapy: (1) Client-centered by Carl Rogers, (2) Gestalt by Frederick Perls, and (3) Rational emotive by Albert Ellis. The client-centered approach ended with remarks by Rogerss interview with Gloria whereas, in essence, he was moved by the process that Gloria progressed through in her efforts of self-discovery starting with her description of her past and moving into her current situation. The evidence was demonstrated by Rogers-the value of the establishing the proper climate for the exchange of information, the genuineness of the therapist and the showing of empathy. These measures gave an observable impact on Gloria (Psychological Films, 1965). A study by Wickman and Campbell (2003) investigated the session between Rogers and Gloria. The study attested to the result of the client-cente red approach that Rogers employed. It genuinely made a difference in how Gloria felt about herself, when they reported that she made the statement Rogers had helped me to recognize my potential-my value as a human being gives credit to that concept. Additionally, Rogerss demonstration of empathy, genuineness and unconditional positive regard during the session helped Gloria see that she could be her own agent of change. As far as the analysis of Rogers work and impact on current psychotherapy is concerned, the overall desire of all type of therapy is that of taking care of the patient. In many cases, as Rogerss work showed it is that the patient that knows simply what is causing them trouble. The work of the client-centered therapist is to delve into the patients comments and to help them to uncover a workable solution to their problem on their own. The trained therapist should have the tools to help them to do so. Rogerss concept is very simplistic. There are occasions where a patient or client may have some physical limitation or mental illness that inhibits the progression to achieving a fully functioning person, i.e., schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and others. Therapy alone may not be the solution, but therapy with medication may bring the patient very close. Hergenhahn and Olson (2007) observed that Rogers also felt strongly that a when person that does what truly feels good [that] is the best guide for action (p.462). They also remarked that Rogers said little about the developmental experiences that are conducive to healthy growth. I would posit that talk-therapy like what was demonstrated by Rogers with the patient; Gloria is a very effective strategy for someone like me. Intelligent, functioning persons that lack in positive self-esteem or reinforcement, benefit when tactical questions and conversational techniques like those of Rogers are used. It is also noteworthy that Rogers form of psychotherapy is still evident in the work of psychologists today. What is personally evident is that there are numerous therapeutic strategies available to psychologists that are positioned to help persons effectively grow and prosper in this fast-paced society that surrounds humankind today. The path that has been laid and that is being laid is vast. Personalities are challenging to decipher and it takes a psychologist willing to learn about and assimilate the plethora of information and patterns of therapy available to them to be able to benefit the many which ultimately becomes the few.

Marriage in Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Essay -- essays rese

Marriage is presented in Shakespeare?s play The Taming of the Shrew, in a complex manner allowing readers to view the play literally as a brutal taming or ironically as a subversive manifesto. Yet, Shakespeare intends to present marriage to be full of mutual love where neither male nor female dominate but compliment each other thriving together in a loved filled relationship. The portrayal of a deep understanding, which exists in an analogical relationship and the gentle transformation, which occurs in marriage, clearly outlines marriage in the play to be a celebration of a mutual love relationship within the patriarchal foundations of society. Initially, Shakespeare highlights the importance of transformation in a relationship in order for it to be of mutual love where both the male and female transform each other for the better. In the play, Petruchio takes this role but he doesn?t brutally tame Katherina, but rather tenderly teaches her in order to liberate her from her shrewish mindset. Petruchio begins teaching Katherina immediately on her wedding day where he proudly walks in late in strange, informal apparel. When questioned he replies, ?To me she?s married, not unto my clothes (3.2)? symbolizing to Kate and the audience of how appearances can be deceptive and that he truly loves her underneath and bears no brutal intentions of abusing her. Despite Petruchio living in a patriarchal society he never abuses his power and even as he starves his wife he states, twere better that both of us did starve (4.1).? This line spoken by Petruchio distinctly outlines that the play is not a celebration of patriarchal power as ?both ? symbolizes that both must suffer in order for a successful transformation to occur. Petruchio?s ideolo... the mutual understanding between her and Petruchio and emphasizes the reciprocity of duty in a marriage of mutual love and understanding. Thus, Shakespeare outlines how a unique understanding within the relationship guarantees the play to be one showing both genders to love and compliment one another?s virtues. In conclusion, Shakespeare?s play The Taming of the Shrew distinctly portrays marriage to be full of mutual love and understanding where neither gender dominates. Hence, views of masculine brutality and feminine subversion are dislodged by the analogical love-filled relationship between both genders. The relationship between Katherina and Petruchio is exactly this, where mutual love is not only presented, but rather celebrated by Shakespeare who declares that such a successful marriage can exist anywhere ? even in the patriarchal framework at the time.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Dark Side of Nathaniel Hawthorne in The House of Seven Gables Essay

The Dark Side of Nathaniel Hawthorne in The House of Seven Gables In The House of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne exhibits the fate of a family due to a curse by analyzing the most â€Å"disagreeable† secrets of a man’s soul (Great Lives 1077). Hawthorne shows the decay of an aristocratic family due to the sins of the past. He uses allegory within his character’s personalities and emotions to expose â€Å"the truth of the human heart† (biography). Hawthorne’s chosen location for this novel reflects greatly on his life and specifically his childhood. Salem is the home of The House of the Seven Gables. Ironically this is the same town in which he was born in and lived in through adulthood. He was raised in this town, therefore he was very aware of the dark side of its past. He was a part of this past through his ancestors. One of which was a judge in the infamous Salem witch trials. At this trial Hawthorne’s uncle is cursed by a so-called witch with the words, â€Å"God will give you blood to drink† (Magill 2736). This curse is much similar to Matthew Maule’s curse on the Pyncheon family (Magill 2734). The solitude of his characters reflects his childhood as well. Growing up, his 2 mother kept herself away from people which led him to become a very solitary man for much of his life. As a young child Hawthorne was lamed. During these years he became well learned with the writings of Edmund Spenser, John Bunyan, and William Shakespear(CSLF 1570). From these men he has gained technique and style. Having lived in Salem most of his life, Hawthorne is extremely influenced by Puritanism. His writings greatly reflect this. Hawthorne deals much with the sins of a man being pasted down for generations. This is very much a Puritan belief. Puritans are a very superstitious type of person. Thus, this explains Hawthorne’s belief that a curse, such as Maule’s curse, can destroy a well-to-do family (Walker 1577). Hawthorne’s characters dealt with guilt forced on by their ancestor, much of which goes back as far as the Puritans. He commonly plays guilt against innocence within one character, Hepzibah Pyncheon. She feels strongly that she must maintain the lifestyle and tradition of her ancestor Colonel Pyncheon. He shows her many personalitie... .... â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.† Encarta Encyclopedia. (1997) â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.† The Critical Temper. Ed. Martin Tucker. Vol. 4. A Library of Literary Criticism. Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1979, 509-514. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.† World Literature Criticism.† Ed. James P. Draper. Vol. 3. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1992, 1592-1605. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.† Novels and Novelists : A Guide to the World of Fiction. Ed. Martin Seymour-Smith. London : Shuckburgh Reynolds Ltd., 1980, 154-155. Wagenknecht, Edward. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.† Cavalcade of the American Novel. New York : Henry Holt and Company, 1952, 90, 9, 20, 25, 38-57. Walker, Ronald G. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.† Critical Survey of Long Fiction. Vol. 4. Englewood Cliffs : Salem Press, 1983, 1314-1328. Van Doren, Carl. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.† The American Novel. Ed. Revised. Vol. 1789-1939. New York : The MacmillianCompany, 1966, 58-83 135-137, 210, 213, 215. â€Å"American Transcendentalism.† â€Å"PAL : Nathaniel Hawthorne.†

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Graduation Speech: Use Your Strengths to Help Others :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Wow! 12 years of hard work, 12 years of perseverance, 12 years of dedication! A great king once said, "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to counsel." We each have mentors in our life who give us this counsel. What we choose to do with it determines if we are considered foolish or wise. Naturally, we tend to think we are always right, and even on the occasions when we are right, there is always something to learn from a second opinion. Take just a second to think back over the last 18 years of your life. Think of all the second opinions you've received. These opinions and the people who shared them go you to this point. While you may think you got here through your own doing, think a little harder and consider those days when all you wanted to do was climb trees, play with Barbie dolls or watch "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" all day long. What changed that? Was there one day when, suddenly, in your most mature five-year-old voice you said, "Mom, Dad, I've made a decision. I want to start saving for college. Could you please put my allowance in a bank account for me?" Personally, I can say that I did not have one of those days. As diligent as you may think I am to my studies, I can say for certain that I would have loved to just play outside all day and stay up late watching movies. However, as much fun as I would have had, I would not have gotten very far. Thankfully, I had numerous people in my life who showed me, at just the right times, how to grow. Think of your teachers, preschool through high school, who cared enough each day to come to school to a class of at least 30 kids who each had their own agenda and were able to make each child's agenda important. Think of your friends, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents and others who have showed you how to be a good friend and how to grow in relationships, simply by being there. Think of coaches and instructors you've had who pushed you to do things you didn't want to do so that you would achieve the things you wanted to achieve.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ceremony “Tayo’s Conflicts” Essay

In Ceremony, Leslie Marmon Silko writes an interesting novel with many conflicting issues on the main characters side, Tayo. One of Tayo’s main conflicts is about his culture and how he is not well accepted by some of the people who coexist with him in his daily life. Other terrifying conflicts that Tayo had were the ones about Josiah and Rocky’s way of dying, which in Tayo’s conscious he declared himself guilty for their death. Therefore, he would have unhealthy psychological flashbacks. Problems compounded with his friends even more when he started hanging out with them after the war. Getting drunk, picking up women and bragging about his war heroics would never make Tayo completely comfortable, instead problems would soon initiate. With these conflicts in mind, Tayo would soon have to resign himself to find the way to recover from his psychological problems. Tayo’s mixed race between an Indian and Mexican was not well accepted by his native society, therefore Tayo experienced a great deal of cultural conflict. With Tayo being both white and Native American his life was surrounded by a great deal of neglect. He did not identify or felt completely part of one culture or the other, which made him struggle with a lack of knowing where he really belong. Eventually, Tayo improves and is able to better connect with both cultures. He acknowledges the influence of white American culture on his traditional Native American heritage. With his acceptance, Tayo’s life becomes better as he is able to harmonize the two cultures he was born into. With the death of both his Uncle Josiah and cousin Rocky, Tayo’s mental problems became worst. Tayo became disoriented believing that the man in the Japanese uniform was his Uncle Josiah. When Tayo saw this, he started screaming while Rocky attempted to calm him down, but Rockies words were not helping Tayo settle; for Tayo, his uncle was dead. Tayo faced the same dilemma after his cousin Rocky’s death. He experienced great guilt when Rocky died in a death march in the Pacific. Tayo was very hard on himself because he could not prevent his cousin Rocky from being killed in the war. Although Tayo never fully recovers from this conflict, gradually he will learn to reestablish himself from this drawback. Getting drunk, picking up women and bragging about his war heroics with his  friends, was making Tayo experience more psychological traumas. His problems turn out to be compounded by his friends. Harley and Leroy encourage him to use alcohol as a way to escape from life. However because of Tayo’s deep spirituality, he gets frustrated by his friend’s destructive behavior. When Emo, another Native American veteran starts to brag about how he enjoyed killing people during the war, Tayo’s tension erupts into violent anger and attacks Emo. Luckily Harley and Leroy stopped him before killing Emo. This attempt to fight violence with violence further aggravates Tayo’s psychological alienation. What I think about Tayo’s frustrating conflicts is that they don’t clarify progress at any point. Tayo will struggle throughout the ceremony because I believe that people that go to war never fully recover psychologically, especially because of what Tayo believed to have seen and lived during and after the war. Because the story goes back and forth, from past to present it confuses the reader. Also, the reader has to understand that stories about people who go to war will always make us have different opinions for the simple reason that people who fought in the line of duty will not come back home well mentally recovered. This is the case with the soldier narrator who plays his part hallucinating throughout the war. The reader faces whether to believe him or his partner who is more conscious and aware of what is really going on. What is your opinion?

Friday, August 16, 2019

International human resources Essay

It is the biggest challenge of companies today to maintain and attract best employees thus the realization in holding trainings and conferences for top executives to level officers is exceedingly in demand. Initiating strategies and solutions regarding employee retention and human resource management keep on going to minimize costs and money. There are many promising solutions in going through a lot of obstacles in human resource recruitment. We may start on some questions that would spark a new beginning: are the employees are given the chance to speak? Are new ideas accepted? Are benefits really beneficial to employees? Does the employees’ opinion count? Are works valued, evaluated and rewarded on their performance? This are simple questions that has an impact to the existing problems in many companies, regardless of size, incorporating other issues like repatriation, better opportunities, poor treatment, differences in culture and disagreement on the direction of the company, lack of recognition, indefinite growth prospects and poor relationship among co-workers. Keeping people and maintaining them for a longer period of time is the most difficult and challenging tasks for all human resources managers nowadays, hopefully, we will answer possible keys and solutions to these burning questions throughout the discussion. Why are people leaving from one company to another? A wide variety of reasons why are people leaving their jobs to find new companies includes: expectations were not satisfactorily fulfilled, unsuitable for the role, do not fit with the company’s culture, insufficient opportunities for growth and development, inadequate acknowledgment and admiration, problems with a manager or supervisor, not satisfied with the compensation, stress, lack of work and life balance, and lack of confidence in the company and leadership (Meyers). According to Susan Heathfield (Heathfield, 2007), most employees are leaving their work for reasons of searching new opportunities with other companies. Three top reasons were identified by Heathfield: fifty three percent of employees look for better rewards and benefits, thirty five percent were discontented with prospects of career growth and development, and thirty two percent were ready for a new experience and new environment. The motivating factors that can enhance the continuous stay of employees were examined by Bob Losyk on his article, here are the different factors that he stated: dignity and respect, involvement and participation, pay above the industry average, showcase superior workers, and by showing support to employees (Losyk). Giving dignity and respect is one of the most important key elements in satisfying the employees, harsh words, shouting, insults, and abuse of power will only result to demoralization, low morale, increase possibilities of absenteeism, and in turn resignation. Losyk added that employers should be treated with high respect, worth and goodness, let them relax, be independent and empowered. Do not crash on people who make mistakes instead make it more constructive and let them learn from it. Involvement and participation is also a significant factor in dealing with employees’ motivation to stay in the company, by listening to their suggestions, aspirations, and ideas can make them more involved and active much as with belongingness and partnership. Paying above the industry average will surely and literally compensate the best employee thus giving and making more money for you. Great employees should be compensated for what they gave back to the company and it should not be as simple as paying back but to reward and constantly recognize their efforts. For sure, companies who have the best employees will have more satisfied clients because of the excellent services they receive and in return a greater chance of repeat business will likely to come. Another tip from Losyk is to highlight and draw attention to outstanding employees by giving awards, certificates, extra remuneration, dinners as well as posting their photos on bulletin boards or company newsletters. To share and show support, to listen and know their personal and family problems can be a key factor for lasting relationship with employees. It will create a positive and motivating atmosphere resulting to a more productive and high-quality employees (Losyk). Increasing demand for immigrant workforce and opportunities abroad: The increasing demand of hiring cross-cultural workforce is a global necessity to respond the needs internationally. But because of the terms and conditions in hiring immigrants, it is very difficult to establish a worthy and constant employee for a particular business due to numerous alternative employment with other companies. To better understand the recruitment, hiring and retaining the best employees especially the immigrants and ethnic workers, it is important that we should consider the culture, traditions, and beliefs, know the different ethnic lifestyles and values, appreciate the impact that the immigrant workforce is influencing the management, and study the fabrications on recruitment of diverse ethnic groups. In addition to Losyk’s article, he stressed that it is significant that companies must understand the needs and desires most Hispanic and Asian workers want from a workplace, discover how to give comment to immigrant employees, determine the critical factors needed to train Asian, Hispanic and other cross-cultural groups, and create management techniques that can work and understand the involvement and recognition with the ethnic groups (Losyk). Further problems encountered by other employers is when their employees who are assigned to work overseas over a period of time will transfer to another companies in a few months to seek greener pastures. These are real and actual happenings in most development organizations when workers or volunteers enter into a contract to gain experience overseas and marked it as a stepping stone to find great opportunities abroad. How can companies and organizations struggle to this concurrent problem? Is this just a cycle to be left out and find new workers to continue the job? Are there any other holistic means that we can manage to surpass this continuing global recruitment problem?

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Kate Keller’s Character Analysis Essay

Kate Keller plays the role of an obsessive mother and a typical wife in the play â€Å"All My Sons† It his her motherliness that defines her character the most, as the fist few stage directions refer to â€Å"mother† as, ‘Mother [†¦] is in her early fifties, a woman of uncontrolled inspirations, and an overwhelming capacity for love.’ This â€Å"overwhelming capacity of love† is mostly seen for her son Larry who seems to be dead, but Kate is just not ready to accept reality and move on. Even before mother’s entry in the play, the readers find out a few details about her through the stage directions and even the dialogues of the other characters, such as the dialogue between Chris and Joe where Chris threatens to abandon home and their business if Joe somehow does not convince Kate for Chris’s wedding with Ann. Kate’s obsession with her son Larry, who never returned from war goes to such an extent that she has dreams about him, leading her to cry every night. She is just not ready to accept her son’s death and for the first time her â€Å"controlling† nature is seen as she tries to manipulatively tries to create distance between her older son Chris and â€Å"Larry’s girl†, Ann; â€Å"I think her nose got longer† Her obsession goes as far as even symbolizing the apple tree’s fall as something dangerous, and something harmful coming towards Larry. The fall of the apple tree probably foreshadows the death of Larry, instigating his family to move on. Another main characteristic that Kate posses is manipulativeness. She avoids every discussion that she realizes, goes towards the future of Chris and Ann. She either deviates the topic or just acts as though she has a headache. She manipulates her discussion with Chris in such a way where Chris finds it impossible to even mention their future together. Kate first talks about how proud she is that Ann has not move on and that she is still waiting for Larry to return, and then suddenly asks him if he is interested in Ann, and ofcourse by then Chris is in no state to hurt his mother further by admitting his love for Ann. Apart from Larry, Kate is also the one holding the family together. She is the central character of the play who knows the ‘big’ secret, and is making sure that her husband is safe from any confrontations and any sort of trouble. Another reason for holding onto Larry and believing that he is still alive is the fact that if Larry was actually dead, it would be nobody’s fault but Joe’s. She knows the crime that Joe had indulged in and she could not accept the fact that her son may have been killed by his own father, and her own loving husband. She is also the one who again manipulated facts and saved Joe from going to prison; instead framing Ann’s father and sending him to prison. This secret is another thing that bothers her immensely. However the example of keeping the secret and saving her husband from going to prison shows her smartness and her desire for keeping the family together, as one. But at the same time it also gives the readers a further insight into her character, as the keeping of this secret also hints towards her weaknesses; her family. Her weakness takes her to the extent of dishonesty and guilt. As mentioned above, she depicts the character of a â€Å"typical† good wife, by saving her husband and trying to keep her family one through love. Throughout the play as readers, we realize that there are dark secrets to be revealed and Kate is somehow a central part of it. She plays a significant role in saving her family, but at the same time she is also seen as one of the weaker characters from outside; considering her nightmares and her troubles dealing with the loss of Larry. Therefore it can be argues whether she forms the strongest character in the play, or the weakest.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Life of William Shakespeare Paper Essay

Ever since the death of Shakespeare, his life was only well known about his plays and poems. He had written many famous Plays such as: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and etc and his famous poems were the Sonnets. Many decades have passed since his death and his plays and poems are still famous and read out loud in schools. Sadly, only a few people knew about Shakespeare’s life and how he became a Bard. â€Å"Details about William Shakespeare’s life are sketchy, mostly mere surmise based upon court or other clerical records.  Ã¢â‚¬  (enotes. com). Shakespeare’s early life was not very well known to the public at this time but according â€Å"Enotes†, he was born in Stratford upon Avon, England in 1564. According to the website william-shakespeare. org. uk. There were records of William Shakespeare being born in the â€Å"Holy Trinity parish church, in Stratford,† on April 26, 1564. His dad John Shakespeare, was a â€Å"yeoman—a glover and commodities merchant. â€Å"(enotes. com). His mother Mary, was a Land owner or as they called it back then, a landed gentry. Shakespeare was the 3rd child of the family but he was one of the childs that lived for a long time. He had 4 sisters and 4 brothers. According to William went to a grammar school until the age of fourteen but he did not continue his education at a university. In 1582, at the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway and had their first child, Susanna six months after their marriage in 1583. After two years, they had twins named Judith and Hamnet. It is estimated that Shakespeare arrived in London around 1588 and began to establish himself as an actor and playwright. † (bardweb. net ). According to â€Å"bardweb. net† the exact date of Shakespeare going to London is unknown but estimated to 1588. They thought Shakespeare moved to London because he was â€Å"pursued by the law for poaching deer on private property. † ( enotes. com ). The same year he was called an â€Å"upstart crow†, the theater closed in London because of the Black Death plague. â€Å"By 1594 Shakespeare had joined a theater troupe known as the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. † During this time period, Shakespeare had expressed many of his plays but sadly, it was not to last†¦ Soon, the law had banned plays throughout the reach of London. According to â€Å"william-shakespeare. org. uk â€Å", Shakespeare was very successful in 1596 due to his performance while Queen Elizabeth the first was present. He also got permission to hang his coat of arms and he got very rich because of his career. In 1597 they started to make the Globe Theatre and finished making it in 1598 (which Shakespeare got 10% of the profit from the Globe Theatre). One day, while the Globe Theater was performing the play King Henry VIII, on June 29, 1613, there was a fire due to the cannon that was shot, since the building was made of wood, the fire spread quickly. That day, the globe theater was destroyed. Three years before the fire, Shakespeare retired and went back to Stratford upon Avon, England. Though he lived a wealthy life, according the both websites, the cause of his death was unknown. He died on April 23, 1616 at the age of fifty-two. Just four weeks before his death, on March 25, 1616, he wrote his will. In his will he gave â€Å"his properties to his daughter Susanna† (bardweb. net ). According to that website Shakespeare â€Å"he left ? 300† to his daughter Judith (who was still living at the time) and his wife he left her â€Å"his second best bed†. â€Å"William Shakespeare was buried on April 25th 1616 in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon. † (william-shakespeare. org. uk ). After William Shakespeare died, he was buried 3 days after his death and according to that website his tomb was â€Å"beneath the floors of the church in the chancel†. In the end, there was almost no record of Shakespeare’s life but some records. After the death of Shakespeare people found out that he wrote those plays that were performed in the Globe Theatre. They were all written in Shakespeare’s First Folio. Work Citation N. P, Enotes. com, eNotes Inc. 2011, 16 Nov. 2011 L. K. , Alchin, William Shakespeare info. November 21 2005. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. Pressley, J. M. Bard web the Shakespeare Resource Center 1997-2011 16 November 2011.

The Role Of The Federal And Provincial Governments In Compliance With Essay

The Role Of The Federal And Provincial Governments In Compliance With Kyoto Protocol While Increasing Oil Gains In Alberta - Essay Example Over the past century, man-made emissions have increased markedly and the vast majority of scientist, in a growing volume of established studies, have concluded that the earth's climate is changing rapidly due to the alarming amount of green house gases released into the atmosphere as a result of human activitiesiv. The gases that are categorized as Green House Gases include: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbon, hydroflourocarbons and tetraflouromethane. Of these gases, carbon dioxide is the most prevalent and appears to carry the largest chunk of green house gases emitted by human activities. Scientist have demonstrated that these gases accumulate in the atmosphere, and that in large concentrations, they are capable of trapping heat within the earth's surface and in the process, overriding the planet's natural climatic variability resulting in irreversible climatic changev. This essay therefore intends to look at the problem of green house gas emission as it affects Canada's oil production, especially in the Alberta oil sands. The paper will specifically analyze how the federal and provincial governments are working towards solving this problem, with respect to the moral and legal obligations imposed on the country through the ratification of the Kyoto protocol and the competing interests of oil companies. The federal and provincial government, though sincere about attaining the emission reduction targets set by Kyoto, do not want to compromise the wealth that accrues from the Alberta oil production. In essence, though emission reduction is gradually being achieved through the several policies and programs, the oil companies are still allowed to increase their green house gas emission, accounting for this through the purchase of emission permits, either domestically or through international alliances. From this, it can be inferred that the oil companies are willing to cooperate with the government in achieving emissions reduction, as long as it does not impact negatively on their profits. This essay will demonstrate the tensions and compromises made between the governments and oil companies in their attempts to satisfy both economic and environmental concerns. In doing so, the first part of the essay shall take a look at the idea of ecological modernization

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis slp 03 Essay

Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis slp 03 - Essay Example The chapter provides the basics of the topic and is simple to read and understand. The chapter also provides a clear understanding and provides a seep insight into the topic. The references for the Steps 2 and 3 have been taken from the website of LOWE Home Improvements. The website is one of the most reliable sources of information for the company and to gain the all financial figures. Also a research that was conducted by one in January 2008 has also been used as it provides a deep analysis of the company and also provides all essential information and details about the company. The benefits of using these references are that they provide reliable and accurate information along with being recent. The references are also easily accessible and the details provided are easy to understand and are apt as they are focused for the investors. Bharatbooks, 2008, ‘Premium Company Profile: Lowes Companies, Inc.’, Accessed on 29th November 2009, Retrieved from Heller, Z., 2009, ‘Home Depot vs. Lowe’s: Where is the  Difference?’, 6th July 2009, Accessed on 29th November 2009, Retrieved from

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Mystery of Capital Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Mystery of Capital - Assignment Example In Communist China, property ownership and rights extend only as far as the Communist Chinese Party goes. The structure of The Party illustrates not only how communist the nation’s political system is, but also how Leninist it remains. It is true that China is not only communist in name. It is true that the nation shifted from its core communist economic system long ago and replaced it with a strict central planning that facilitated the coexistence of commercial state enterprises alongside a vigorous private sector. However, according to McGregor, it is also true that the tension existing within the political structure and the level to which capitalism may benefit the country is inextricably intertwined with how the political structure is permitted to develop the economy. This is in light of the Chinese dictators being keen to maintain a grip on politics by commanding the People’s Liberation Army, propaganda and personnel. All aspects of life, including owning property or conducting for-profit business, are controlled by The Party. Individuals cannot own private property exclusively in a manner that can afford them to use it as collateral and release capital. To be able to run a business and earn a sort of immunity from legal procedures or prosecution, one needs to seek membership to The Party.